Fallout new vegas electron charge pack
Fallout new vegas electron charge pack

fallout new vegas electron charge pack

The vendor there, which can be accessed almost immediately, and is right next to an arc welder stocks energy ammo, with a bias towards ECC. Lonesome Road on the other hand, you can leave as often as you like. Unfortunately your stuck in the DLC until completion. OWB does have tons everywhere, the Sink vendor restocks them, and with his upgrade Muggy can generate 50 of each of MFC and SEC per day. Also home to the ammo efficient and generally useful unique plasma rifle.Įnergy weapons are popular enough with fiends, that you can reliably farm a few hundred MFC and ECC rounds from them if you exterminate everyone of them between Camp Mccaran and the entrance to vault 3.

fallout new vegas electron charge pack

The Repconn HQ that has already been mentioned has around 600 MFC rounds to plunder. Their safehouse, when you get the key, has a free LCG and tesla cannon. However, once you first gain access the is roughly 300 of each of MFC and SEC rounds to steal, an easy quest that nets you a tri-beam laser and NPCs armed with gauss rifles and occasionally an LCG that can be aquired without turning the whole bunker hostile if your cunning. Unfortunately it does take a lot of quest legwork to unlock those. BoS Bunker is excellent for energy weaponry, with a shop that sells high end ones like Gauss Rifles and a box of respawning energy ammo they put out just for you.

Fallout new vegas electron charge pack